Thursday, October 21, 2010

Baby Mobile

At Lauren's 4 month Well Child visit, she demonstrated her new skill right there on the examination table, heedless of the fact that it is a veritable cliff for babies to fall from. When the pediatrician saw it she exclaimed, "I've never seen a 4 month old do that!" Great, I thought. Thanks a lot.

"That" is the rocking back and forth on hands and knees in preparation for crawling.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a mobile baby.

At first we thought we might have a crawling baby before she had fully mastered the art of sitting up on her own, but halfway through her endeavors you could tell even she thought that was a little premature and switched tactics instead. Having quickly figured out how to sit up, she move right back into crawling practice. Now she does both with unequally bad coordination, sitting up in a wavy motion which sometimes topples her in the other direction, and crawling with the wrong combination of hands and feet so that her head ends up hitting the floor more often than not. But she does manage to sit up and she can get across a floor to her destination in no time, so the grace of it all is definitely not the point.

The point is that she is moving. Oh no!